General Sales Conditions

These sales conditions shall exclusively govern the sales of products proposed by the website

Article A – Price

  1. 1. The prices indicated on this website are in Sterling pounds and include all taxes.
  2. 2. All orders are payable in sterling Pounds.
  3. 3. The website reserves the right to modify its prices at any time. Prices shall be invoiced according to the price in effect upon validation of the order.
  4. 4. Retention of ownership: the products remain the property of Vitreflam until the whole payment has been made.

Article B – Orders

On the website and by using the contact form

Article C – Validation

During the validation of your order, you declare that you fully accept:

  • The order and all of the general sales conditions without reserve.
  • The data recorded by represents proof of all the transactions made between and its customers.
  • shall not, under any circumstances, be held responsible for the consequences that might ensue in the event of an error in the information provided by the customer – particularly with regard to his address details and / or the dimensions of the article ordered.

Article D – Availability

The products and prices are valid for as long as they are visible on the website and within the limit of available stock.

In the event of an article being out of stock after your order, you will be informed by email within 72 hours. You can then request the cancellation of your order by email.

Article E – Delivery and Conformity of Products delivers everywhere in mainland UK.

The general transport conditions are those of our partner ColiPost™  for shipments within 72 hrs and Chonopost™ or Fedex  for shipments within 24 hrs.

The delivery period must be counted in working days – i.e. excluding Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays.

Article F – Payment

Payment can only be made by Paypal or Credit Card using Citelis™ the on-line payment interface of Crédit Mutuel.

Article G – Security

The website has an encryption process security system.

Your bank details will not be known by and only our banking partner, Crédit Mutuel du Sud Ouest, is authorized to process them.

Article H – Right of Withdrawal

Under Article L121-20 of the French Code of Consumption, the customer has a period of 7 clear days as from delivery of his order to return the products to for an exchange or refund without penalty – except for return postage fees which shall be borne by the purchaser.

The articles should be in perfect condition and in their original packaging. must be informed of this procedure by email at the address and the reason for the return must be indicated. Depending on acceptance, the customer shall receive an address and a number which must be indicated on the package.

However, under Article L121-20-2 of the French Code of Consumption, this right of withdrawal cannot be exercised under any circumstances in the event of the supply of goods which have been manufactured according to the consumer’s specifications.

This absence of the right of withdrawal mainly applies to windows for inserts and stoves which have been cut out according to the customer’s specific dimensions.

Article I – Refunds

The refund for products under Articles E and H shall be carried out quickly and, at the latest, 30 days after the date on which the right was exercised.

The refund shall be made by a bank cheque in the customer’s name and at the invoice address as indicated on the original invoice.

Article J – Liability shall not be held liable for non-performance of a contract in the event of a force majeure; a product which is out of stock or unavailable; a disturbance or all-out or partial strike; notably by postal services and means of transport and / or communication; floods; fires and any other serious risk. shall not incur any liability for indirect damage resulting from these terms and conditions or for operating loss; loss of profits; loss of opportunity, damage or costs which may occur due to the purchase of the products.

The photos on the website are non-contractual.

Article K – Applicable law – disputes

  • This contract shall be subject to French law.
  • The language of this contract is English.
  • Bordeaux Commercial Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle all disputes.


Right of Withdrawal

If the customers considers that product does not correspond to the order (Article L.121-18 - french Consumer code). The customer can inform the company about his withdrawal, within 14 days upon receipt of the goods. Then, the customer must send the product back within 14 days. 

In this case the right of withdrawal only applies to “Brand Glass”, if it’s offered in your location*. 

Effect of the right of withdrawal:

  • Refund will be effective by the end of the month (after the reception of the returned goods).

  • Shipping costs and packing is the responsibility of the customer.

  • All cosse&co products are sendable by mail. We estimate that shipping cost should not exceed 20 euros. 

“You are responsible for any degradation of the product not resulting from proper handling and appropriate use of it "

*However, under the article L.221-28 of french Consumer code, right of withdrawal cannot be applied to products manufactured within the specifications provided by the customer (any products manufactured based on measurements provided by the customer, any glasses of any shape ordered by the calculator from the website. 


You as the buyer have the right to withdraw without giving any reasons, within 14 days. The withdrawal period shall expire 14 days after the delivery date (delivered to the client or any other person (except the carrier) designated by you).

To exercise this right,the customer must inform us of his decision by an unambiguous request, by e-mail or in paper form ( Cosse & Co - 27, rue Gutenberg - Box n°2 - ZA La Rafette - 33 450 St-Loubès).

You can use the following model or use the standard withdrawal form on our  website. In the latter case, you will receive an acknowledgement by email that your request has been received. 


*Annex, Article R221-3

*Annex, Article R221-1



(Please, complete and submit the contact form below only if you wish to withdraw)


To : SARL Cosse & Co - 27, rue Gutenberg - Box n°2 - ZA La Rafette - 33 450 St-Loubès

I hereby give notice that I withdraw from my contract of sale of the following goods : ………………………………………………………………

Date of order : .........................

Order number : …………..........

Customer Name : ........................

Postal address : .........................................................

Date : …………………. 

Signature : 

 Article L - Conformity warranty under the decree of december 18th 2014

Cosse & Co - 27, rue Gutenberg - Box n°2 - ZA La Rafette - 33 450 St-Loubès ensured conformity of all the products of the website.

The seller is responsible for lack of conformity of the goods or hidden defect, in accordance with French law : 

-In this context (conformity issues), The buyer has 2 years to act.

- The buyer can choose between replacement or repair, on the conditions provided by the article L.217-9 of french consumer code.  ( If no resolution is in sight within 1 month the buyer can ask for a refund).

-Since 2016, the buyer is exempted to prove the conformity default within 6 month. He now has 24 months to prove it (second hand goods are not concerned).

-Conformity warranties are independent of commercial warranties. 

- The Buyer can engage the warranty for hidden defect (Article 1641, french civil code). And if so, he can choose between cancellation of the sale or reduction of the selling price (Article 1641, french civil code). 


Article M - Professional mediator subscribe to mediation center : 

MEDICYS 73 Boulevard de Clichy 75009 Paris

tel: 01 49 70 15 93



Article N - Headquarters

SARL Cosse&Co

27 rue Gutenberg

Box n°2

ZA La Rafette

33450 Saint-Loubès